Monday, June 29, 2009

Time for a Vacation

The other day I decided to clean out my pantry. You know, go through the whole thing, get rid of the expired stuff, make a plan for the soon to expire stuff, and clean up. 

I started cleaning out some canisters, making piles, swirling stuff down my garbage disposal. Somehow, I became sidetracked. After about 20 minutes of doing whatever sidetracked me (Facebook, no doubt), I was thinking to myself that I couldn't believe some of those groceries had already expired. Then, I realized that I had forgotten what date it was. I had gotten it in my head that it is 2010 instead of 2009 and had wasted a whole lot of grains, cereals, and what not. (At least, I was sidetracked for a time or I might have relieved us of all our pantry items in a matter of minutes.)

That's when I realized that it's really time for me to take a vacation. Well, that and this image persistently appearing on the weather forecast:

Tomorrow, I'm flying to Denver with Spark and Flower. Buzz has a foot injury that will prevent him from going on this trip. We're sad he can't come with us, but I'm also happy that he'll have some quiet, "recharge" time to himself. And, hey, maybe HE will take the kids somewhere for three weeks one day and leave me at home or at a spa or a condo in Hawaii. Just maybe.

In Denver, my mom--Nana to those who matter--will meet us at the airport, and we'll load up to head off to Casper, Wyoming, to spend 3 weeks with Nana and Papa from camping in Yellowstone to seeing the wonders of that region. It's bound to be an adventure none of us (except maybe little Flower) will ever forget. To make sure, I've started a blog to chronicle our journey. I hope you will join me there some during the next three weeks. 

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